Central Ohio Peace Network
Purpose: To provide a forum for groups working for peace and justice to network and plan cooperative actions.
Principles and tactics:
Defend Civil Rights by using Civil Liberties
End the Wars and Occupations - NOW
Troops Out of Iraq and Afghanistan
Fund Human Need - Not the Military
Respect for Political diversity and a diversity of tactics
Emergency Response Network
Minutes COPN Meeting July 10th, 2007
Steve Vargo
Connie E. proposed participating in Iraq Moratorium locally starting on Friday Sept 21st; every 3rd Friday of every month thereafter. Connie suggested that participants wear black armbands; that the event be ‘educational’. Connie H. proposed to make it a multi-media event: ie: do a street event, followed by a film showing/teach-in nearby.(Northwood building). www.iraqmoratorium.org.
Yoshi invited all to participate in the annual Hiroshima/Nagaski vigil On August 6th in the Bicentennial Park area near the slave ship.
Columbus 9/11 informed all that they do an outreach every 11th of the month around 7 p.m. at 15th & High
Keith talked about an idea of his for an alternative memorial day project. Goal to be a recognition of peacemakers and antiwar warriors. He is hoping to network around the country to produce a video. Could include indictment of war criminals.
Anita-intern for the summer and with ‘Against Escalation in Iraq’ indicated that their group will hold a rally on August 28th, a Tuesday (TBD/TBA). She circulated a petition that will go to Deborah Pryce and George Voinovich voicing opposition to the war in Iraq; Pryce’s compliance with the Bush regime’s policy of aggression against people of color in the Middle East for Oil. Wendy spoke about her disapproval of the wording of the individual pledge that Anita asked everyone to sign. The point of contention was a referral on the pledge that the war in Iraq was a religious war. The group voiced approval for Wendy’s point. Thank you Wendy! Anita indicated that there is a meeting of her group every Sunday at Progress Ohio located at 265 S. 3rd at 3 p.m.
Gen. Bruce will be organizing a 40-hour a week presence at local military recruiting offices - starting with the one on Long street. To volunteer some coverage, please contact: bruce@redcrosspeace.com
Les and Justin: Starting Sept. 21st, a week-long encampment at the White House; to be followed by a march on the White House on Saturday, Sept 29th. Les S, and others asked if there was interest to obtain a bus to go to Washington for the 29th. These trips usually leave locally(OSU area)around midnight on Friday and arrive in D.C. in the morning around 8-9 a.m. and we are dropped off at and later picked up near the rally site(Washington Monument area). The cost is usually around $50-60 r/t. Les. S. said the OSU students not yet back on campus then could hinder the amount of participants. www.troopsoutnow.org.
Steve V. Columbus chapter organizer of World Can’t Wait advised all of the March For Peace coming to Columbus area on August 12th. Marchers will provide more info on needs(housing/water)as they get closer. They may not come directly through Columbus. Steve is in touch with the marchers; has one local church standing by to assist. The World Can’t Wait chapter will provide them a ‘picnic-style’ meal to take with them, or eat as they rest. Steve suggested that as many people as possible meet the marchers and march with them in solidarity, even if our supportive march is short. www.marchforpeace.info. www.vargo.che@hotmail.com. .
The ISO from OSU indicated that their Campus anti-war network will be more active in the Fall and plan to do a counter-recruiting ‘101’ meeting. They would also like to target Sherrod Browns office with an action. Counter-recruiting at OSU will focus on the usual suspects.
if anyone knows the location of Sherrod Browns local office
or, if anyone has any counter-recruiting material or personal knowledge/experience in this area
please contact: Justin at jfn.622@yahoo.com.
Steve V.(WCW)spoke with Justin after the meeting and will send Justin some counter-recruiting websites; info on obtaining an excellent ‘ho to’ counter recruiting manual for activists/parents/potential targeted recruits that discusses ‘how to opt out’ and ‘what military recruiters don’t want you to know’ to name two items in the book.
Columbus 9/11 Truth distributed a flyer on an event this Thursday, July 12th at 7:00 p.m. at the Columbus Main Library Branch at 7pm, featuring Dr. Bob Bowman with his Patriot Tour challenging all to ‘take back Amerika’ for the people. www.columbus911truth.org.
World Can’t Wait distributed their chapter pamphlet www.columbuswcw.org.
Next COPN meeting tba/tbd. Possibly at the Northwood Building early in August.
Laura will assist Connie H. with setting up a domain/etc, for the COPN group.
Next meeting may include ‘break-out’ groups to focus on specific events/tasks.
We wish Pranav’s daughter good health; positive thoughts to Tekla, who was involved in a car accident which prevented her from attending the meeting.