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Civil Liberties Union of Ohio |
The American Civil Liberties Union aids in maintaining and
extending constitutional and other fundamental rights,
liberties, privileges, and immunities. |
Ohio Group of the Sierra Club |
America's oldest, largest and most influential grassroots
environmental organization works to protect our communities and
the planet. Check the National
Sierra Club site for a listing of other local chapters
throughout the U.S. and Canada. |
Ohioans For Peace |
Dedicated to bringing together people
who believe in using nonviolent methods to build and sustain a
peaceful world. |
The Relocalization Network supports Local Post Carbon Groups
as they work to develop and implement the strategy of
Relocalization in their communities. |
Grassroots Congress |
The mission of the Citizens
Grassroots Congress is to engender a vision for Central Ohio
based on the values of nonviolence, diversity, grassroots
democracy, social justice, responsibility, and ecological
wisdom, and to realize that vision through networking and
Pink: Columbus, OH Branch |
Code Pink calls on women around the
world to rise up and oppose the war in Iraq. This organization
is comprised of women who are outraged at this war, and who are
willing to be outrageous for peace! |
Columbus Free Press |
Columbus's oldest underground
newspaper, dating back to October 1970. |
The Columbus chapter of the National
Organization for Women conducts consciousness-raising groups,
actions on violence against women, improving employment,
securing and maintaining women's right to choose, improving
education and health care for women (including a campaign to
legalize the work of midwives), and many other emerging women's
issues. |
Ohio |
A compendium of articles and reviews
focusing on Ohio politics and democracy. |
Socialists of Central Ohio |
A progressive activist organization
made up of people who desire social, economic, and political
justice and work to achieve these ends. |
Voters of Ohio |
A resource for independent and third
party voters on candidates, issues, and events around Ohio. |
Citizen Action |
Ohio Citizen Action is an environmental organization that
finds practical ways for members to make the most of whatever
time they can spare: signing petitions, writing letters, making
phone calls, talking to neighbors, or speaking out at community
meetings. |
for Freethought |
A student organization at The Ohio
State University dedicated to promoting and practicing the open,
rational, and scientific examination of the universe and our
place in it. SFFOSU also seeks to demonstrate, by argument and
action, that it is possible to lead a good and meaningful life
without religion, and that ethics and morality can be
meaningfully based on rational and humanistic ideals and values. | |
A guide to vegan and vegetarian
eating in Ohio. Choose a category and region from the drop down
box to locate vegan/vegetarian restaurants, groceries and
organizations. |
United of Kenyon College |
A group at Kenyon College in Gambier
Ohio dedicated to bringing activists together. "While
fighting our own battles, we also seek to unite and support all
activist groups at Kenyon College." |
Friends Service Committee (Dayton branch) |
The American Friends Service
Committee carries out service, development, social justice, and
peace programs throughout the world. Founded by Quakers in 1917
to provide conscientious objectors with an opportunity to aid
civilian war victims, AFSC's work attracts the support and
partnership of people of many races, religions, and cultures. |
Justice and Peace Center |
A Cincinnati-based coalition of faith-based
organizations and individuals who work together to educate
around justice issues, take collaborative action and do public
witness. The Center addresses local, national and international
concerns focusing on economic justice, women's issues, human
rights, racial equality, peace and the environment. |
Islam |
World News, from an Islamic Point-of-view.
Legalize Islam is a weekly radio program from WSRN 91.5 FM, Swarthmore
College Radio The program airs: Mondays 7-8pm EST and is
LIVE on the internet. |
Ohio American Friends Service Committee |
A Northeast Ohio peace and social justice
organization. The Committee's Africa Initiative Program and
Economic Justice and Empowerment Program work toward these
goals. |
Ohio Anti-War Coalition |
The Northeast Ohio Anti-War Coalition (NOAC) is
an umbrella coalition focused on stopping pre-emptive, unjust
and illegal wars as an instrument of US foreign policy. It seeks
to bring together a broad number of people and individuals for
the purpose of organizing mass, visible events of a peaceful
character. |
Coalition Against Gun Violence |
Our goal is to increase safety in Ohio in regards
to firearms. We educate about gun homicides, suicides, and
unintentional deaths and injuries. The Coalition supports and
encourages local, state and federal legislation to reduce the
accessibility of firearms in our communities and families. |
Forum |
The Ohio FORUM is a nonprofit organization of
community activists with a wide range of issue areas and
journalists working to communicate ideas to the public and
stimulate policy debate by tapping into the power of the media. |
Working Group on Latin America |
Individuals from all over the state of Ohio who
are concerned about U.S. involvement and U.S. Policies in Latin
America. Meetings are centrally located in either Columbus,
Wooster, or Bowling Green, Ohio. |
Community Peace Coalition |
A forum and information service for people in the
Portage County/Kent Ohio area concerned about or opposed to
United States military action against the people of Iraq. |
Cincinnati |
Cincinnati site offering news, commentary and
original content from a liberal/progressive perspective. |
11 Coalition |
Dayton activists organizing a
non-violent weekly anti-war protest in downtown Dayton. The
Coalition sponsors events open to anyone who wants to
demonstrate in a non-violent protest. |
City Watch |
A progressive source of articles and
headlines for Chicago, Illinois and northwest Indiana. |
Working Families Advocacy Projects |
You're more powerful than you think, especially
when you join together with tens of thousands of others and make
your voice heard. The Working Families e-Activist Network is one
way you can do that. As a network subscriber you receive
occasional action alerts when your voice is needed. With one
click you can send a fax or e-mail to a key decision maker in
Congress, at the White House or an employer who isn't respecting
the rights of workers. |
Friends Service Committee |
A Quaker organization that includes people of
various faiths who are committed to social justice, peace, and
humanitarian service. Its work is based on the Religious Society
of Friends (Quaker) belief in the worth of every person, and
faith in the power of love to overcome violence and injustice. |
for Constitutional Rights |
Founded by attorneys whose legal work
representing civil rights activists in Mississippi convinced
them of the need for a privately funded legal center to
undertake litigation on behalf of popular movements for social
justice. |
For Peace |
A national coalition of local officials and
concerned citizens working to express the will of their
communities through civic resolutions regarding the proposed war
in Iraq. |
Now! |
A national, listener-sponsored public radio and
TV show, committed to bringing the voices of the marginalized to
the airwaves on issues ranging from the global to the local. |
Underground |
Founded on Inauguration Day, January 20, 2001, to
protest the illegitimate presidency of George W. Bush and to
provide a resource for the exchange and dissemination of liberal
and progressive ideas. The DU links directory contains thousands
of links to progressive websites. |
Iraq |
A news portal on the US-Iraq crisis published by
veteran antiwar campaigners Voices in the Wilderness and Middle
East supplementary news publishers, the Electronic Intifada. |
Party Peace Page |
A confederation of state Green parties committed
to environmentalism, nonviolence, social justice, grassroots
organizing, and renewing democracy without the support of
corporate donors. |
Peace |
A global nonprofit organization that focuses on
the the most crucial worldwide threats to our planet's
biodiversity and environment. |
Answer |
A project that seeks to educate the people of the
U.S. about the growing dangers of war, increasing incidents of
racial profiling by the U.S. government, and growing
encroachments to civil liberties and civil rights within the
U.S. |
On |
An organization working to bring ordinary people
back into politics by supporting busy but concerned citizens in
finding their political voice. |
Network to End the War Against Iraq |
A nationwide coalition of over 140 peace and
justice, student and faith-based organizations united to work
for a common cause: ending the war being waged against the
people of Iraq. |
In Our Name |
A national project that proposes ways to
strengthen and expand resistance to the U.S. government's course
in the wake of September 11, 2001 and the War on Terrorism. |
Sojourners |
Founded in 1971, Sojourners is a Christian
ministry whose mission is to proclaim and practice the biblical
call to integrate spiritual renewal and social justice. |
Back The Media |
A cooperative project advocating non-violent
action to bring back responsibility to the corporate media. See
also Bush
Is Not A Nazi, an interesting and informative Flash
commentary on Bush and Hitler. |
Without War |
A coalition of national organizations
representing broad constituencies that aim to Keep America Safe
by advocating alternatives to preemptive war in Iraq. |
The World
Can't Wait |